University Admissions Framework Project: UAC submission
21 Feb 2025
As a not-for-profit dedicated to serving the education sector, UAC is pleased to provide this response to the University Admissions Framework Project, focusing on early offers.
21 Feb 2025
As a not-for-profit dedicated to serving the education sector, UAC is pleased to provide this response to the University Admissions Framework Project, focusing on early offers.
02 Oct 2024
The Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres (ACTAC) members have made a submission in response to the Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Bill 2024.
16 Aug 2024
The Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres (ACTAC) has made a joint submission in response to the Australian Government’s Post-Budget Implementation Consultation Papers.
16 Aug 2024
The Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres (ACTAC) has made a joint submission in response to the Australian Government’s Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) Consultation Paper.
16 Jun 2024
This report features insights from a survey of nearly 17,000 Australian Year 12 students as they prepare to enter university or the workforce. It explores their views on a range of topics, from course and uni selection to cost of living, personal finances, artificial intelligence and mental health.
15 Dec 2023
UAC provided a response to the NSW VET Review Discussion Paper, with a particular focus on how can students be supported to transition to or from VET and higher education learning to achieve their aspirations.
25 Jul 2023
This year’s report features insights from a survey of over 14,000 Year 12 students from across Australia as they prepared to enter university or the workforce. Topics include key drivers around course and institution selection, key concerns, brand affinity, online privacy, income and spending, technology preferences and much more.
01 May 2023
Improved consistency and transparency of credit recognition will reduce barriers between education pathways and improve transferability and recognition of skills and learning, leading to greater mobility and productivity.
01 May 2023
For all students, the introduction of general capabilities assessment and the adoption of digital credentials technology will in future allow for a more holistic and seamless admission experience, not just at specific entry points but throughout the lifelong learning journey.
17 May 2022
This far-ranging report explores the experiences, attitudes and behaviours of school leavers as they enter a world full of opportunities and novel challenges. Topics include key drivers around university selection, brand alignment, income and spending, technology preferences and much more.
28 Sep 2021
This report investigates the impact of student disadvantage on achievement in Year 12 and first-year university. It focuses on whether the ATAR is affected by socio-economic disadvantage and if it contributes to predicting university success independent of this disadvantage.
01 Aug 2021
UAC's Student Lifestyle Report 2021 has landed and features key insights from over 7,500 Year 12 students. Topics include key drivers around course and institution selection, key concerns, brand affinity, online privacy, income and spending, technology preferences and much more.
21 Apr 2020
This report investigates the impact of HSC subject selection on first-year university success rates. The investigation reveals some instances in which HSC subject selection can improve a student's performance in their first year. It also presents evidence that the introduction of prerequisites may be beneficial for some degrees.
01 Feb 2020
The ATAR does not itself systematically discriminate against any SES group, but other factors can affect the academic performance (in terms of both ATAR and first-year university results) of low SES students.
01 Dec 2019
Solutions for the future need to be centred around students and providing them with a streamlined experience as they navigate all varieties of education, employment and training.
01 Dec 2019
The ATAR is an excellent predictor of success at university but it doesn’t account for student disadvantage, ambition, passion or interest. It’s not meant for employers or anyone other than university admission teams.
01 Dec 2019
UAC is working with key stakeholders nationally to better support lifelong learning and improve access to education and other pathways after school.
01 Oct 2019
Research by UAC shows that the ATAR is the best available predictor of university success, as measured by students’ first-year grade-point-average (GPA). The higher the ATAR, the higher the student’s first-year GPA is likely to be.
01 Mar 2019
UAC believes that a common, widely accessible and searchable database of pre-determined credit for current and prospective students would have significant benefits for students and the management of credit by institutions.
01 Feb 2019
UAC data and analysis show that Year 12 students who complete an enabling program before entering a bachelor degree have lower attrition rates than those entering directly into a bachelor degree.
01 Nov 2018
While the scope of the NSW Curriculum Review is very broad, UAC's interest and expertise is in the preparation of secondary students for the transition into tertiary education.
01 May 2018
UAC sets out six key steps to providing better support to senior secondary students as they transition into tertiary education.
01 Apr 2018
UAC sets out nine areas that it considers particularly important to cover in any thorough-going enquiry into post-secondary education.
02 Feb 2018
As the largest tertiary admissions centre in Australia, UAC processes over 100,000 applications each year and currently provides all data associated with those to the Government for the national Data Collection. UAC believes very strongly that there are further opportunities for government and the sector to work together to better harness student data.
01 Sep 2017
UAC is very supportive of the sector-led Admissions Transparency Implementation Plan and welcomes the development of the Common Terminology Proposal. However, serious concerns must be raised regarding some of the proposed common terms.
01 Jul 2017
While the data shown in the Discussion Paper clearly show that this is a complex area and there is no need for undue alarm regarding student attrition in Australia, UAC believes that it can continue to help improve student success in two critical areas: admission and outreach.
01 May 2017
UAC is hopeful that improved transparency will go at least some way towards addressing the rate of attrition from higher education and is keen to partner with government and the sector on future initiatives in that area.
01 May 2016
UAC is currently developing a new model for undergraduate admissions. The first principle of the new model is that it be student‑centric in its approach.
UAC acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future traditional custodians and elders of this nation. We honour the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of First Nations people.
Original artwork 'Dreams' by artist Adam Hennessy – The circles represent coming together. They form a pathway around the outside, symbolising an educational journey. The circles in the top right are our institutions gathered to fulfil the dreams of the travellers.